Sunday 11 March 2012

Read this, please

If you do not read any other blog in America except the great Fr. Z's, may I again suggest a look at Dr. Sanity. Check this out for style and brilliance.

A tip of the hat to the Headfort Arms

I would like to thank Olivia and her brother at the Headfort Arms for letting me blog away in their hotel. This hotel has great food and great hospitality. It is located in one of the oldest buildings in Kells, in County Meath. The old family of the Headfort's held sway over the land here for a long time. The hotel is part of a group of Irish businesses who are trying to turn back the "chill" of the Celtic Tiger; that is, the impersonalism and harshness which came with the sudden prosperity in the '90s and early 2000's here. Sadly, the old Irish businesses and the local produce need encouragement to come back to the older, more hospitable times. Most of the meat, vegetables, and even the soaps and toiletries in the rooms are from local producers. Olivia and her family, who have owned the establishment for over forty years, are doing a great job in bringing back the old Ireland. If you visit, come here for a stay.