Tuesday 19 June 2012

Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters in Nigeria

Four post day--please pray for the people of Christ the King Church in Nigeria-martyrs.
Articles here and there. The main stream media insists on making both sides the same, whereas the Christians are being killed, and are not the aggressors. We have a right to defend ourselves, but the main stream media sometimes calls defense "revenge killings". Revenge is wrong, always a sin, but defense is necessary. No photo is needed.

from the CBS news source listed above:

The group known as Boko Haram said in an email that it was responsible for the attacks.
"Allah has given us victory in the attacks we launched (Sunday) against churches in Kaduna and Zaria towns which resulted in the deaths of many Christians and security personnel," the statement said in the local Hausa language.
Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in Hausa, is waging an increasingly bloody fight with Nigeria's security agencies and public. More than 580 people have been killed in violence blamed on the sect this year alone, according to an AP count.
.......The most deadly attacks seem to have targeted Christian holidays: An Easter Day blast in Kaduna left at least 38 people dead, and a Christmas Day suicide bombing of a Catholic church near Nigeria's capital killed at least 44. Boko Haram claimed responsibility for both attacks.