Monday 24 December 2012

A few messages from the Pope-three

St. Peter's Square Fourth Sunday of Advent , December 23, 2012
Video ]

Dear brothers and sisters!
In this fourth Sunday of Advent, which came shortly before the birth of the Lord, the Gospel narrates the visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. This episode is not a simple act of courtesy, but shows very simply the meeting of the Ancient with the New Testament. The two women, both pregnant, in fact embody the expectation and the Awaited. The elderly Elizabeth symbolizes Israel awaiting the Messiah, while the young Mary brings with it the fulfillment of this expectation, for the benefit of all mankind. The two women meet and recognize first of all the fruit of their wombs, John and Christ. Comment the Christian poet Prudentius: "The child in the womb senile greets content, through the mouth of his mother, the Lord Son of the Virgin" ( Apotheosis , 590: PL 59, 970). The exultation of John in Elizabeth's womb is the sign of fulfillment of the God is going to visit his people.Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel spoke to Mary of Elizabeth's pregnancy (cf. Lk 1:36) as proof of the power of God, infertility, despite his advanced age, was transformed into fertility.
Elizabeth, welcoming Mary, recognize that you are bringing the promise of God to humanity, and exclaims: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! What do I that the mother of my Lord should come to me? "( Lk 1.42 to 43). The term "blessed are you among women" is referred to in the Old Testament Jael ( Judges 5:24) and Judith ( Judith 13:1), two warrior women who work to save Israel. Now it's addressed to Mary, a young girl who is peaceful to generate the Savior of the world. So also the leap of joy of John (cf. Lk 1:44) refers to the dance that King David did when he accompanied the entrance of the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem (cf. 1 Chr 15:29). The Ark, which contained the tablets of the Law, the manna and the rod of Aaron (cf. Heb 9:4), was a sign of God's presence among his people. The unborn John leaps for joy before Mary, Ark of the New Covenant, which is carrying Jesus, the Son of God made ​​man.
The scene of the Visitation also expresses the beauty of reception: where there is mutual acceptance, listening, make room for another, there is no God and the joy that comes from Him Let us imitate Mary in the Christmas season, visiting to those who live an uncomfortable, especially the sick, the imprisoned, the elderly and children. It also imitate Elizabeth welcomes guests as God: without desire we will never know the Lord, without waiting for do not meet, without seeking not find him. With the same joy that Mary hurries to Elizabeth (cf. Lk 1:39), we go to meet the Lord who comes. Let us pray that all men seek God and found that it is God Himself first to come to visit us. To Mary, Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, we entrust our hearts, because it makes it worthy to receive the visit of God in the mystery of his birth.

After the Angelus
Chers pèlerins francophones, en cette Année de la Foi, et à l'approche de Noël, recevons l'appel à notre coeur pour convertir Feter the Christ dans l'Enfant de Bethléem. Croire en Dieu dans demande de reconnaître Celui here goes naître, the Tout puissant here vient nous sauver. Le Mystère de l'Incarnation est au coeur de notre foi. Puisse cette fête de la Nativité the fortifier!Dépassons the souci des préparatifs extérieurs et l'aspect superficiel suivre pour la Vierge Marie et son recueillement silence dans son! Avec elle, préparons-nous à accueillir the Sauveur. Je vous de Benis grand coeur!
I greet all the visitors and Inglese-speaking pilgrims present at this Angelus prayer. Today, as we approach the Solemnity of our Lord's Birth among us, let us strive again to make room in our hearts to welcome the Christ child with love and humility before such a great gift from on high. In anticipation, let me wish you and your families Already a holy and peaceful Christmas!
Gerne heiße ich und die Pilger Gäste deutscher Sprache willkommen. "Der Herr ist nahe" in beten wir diesen Tagen vor Weihnachten. Schon leuchtet Glanz der Nacht auf der Heiligen, und wir sein dürfen GEWISS: Gott die Welt kommt in, er wird einer von uns, um uns Frieden und Menschen zu bringen Heil. Wie wir wollen Mary Wort und Gottes Willen gläubig annehmen, damit der Herr und bei uns uns auch in wohnen kann. Brüder Schwestern Christi und Als wir unseren möchten Mitmenschen Liebe und seine Gegenwart weiterschenken, besonders den Kranken, und den Notleidenden Bedürftigen. Allen wünsche ich ein und frohes gnadenreiches Weihnachtsfest.
Saludo cordially lengua española de los fieles presentes en esta oración Marian. El evangelio de la Visitacion, que la Iglesia nos proposes este domingo, nos muestra the consigo el doble alegría this lleva anuncio de la salvación: the de quien, como la Santisima Virgen de Jesucristo noticia acepta la buena y en chimney if it poses para proclaim , y the de Aquellos que, como en el vientre Juan de Isabel de gozo Saltan the escuchar to quien les draws to El Salvador. Invitation to a todos acoger to Señor, y quiere que llega colmar los corazones the inefable Jubilo del Espíritu Santo. Que Dios os bendiga.
Drodzy Polacy, the coals siostry! Juz wkrótce duch Bozego Narodzenia przeniknie wasze domy, rodziny, wspólnoty. Połączy was wiara the radość z narodzin Zbawiciela. Każdemu z was, in szczególnie samotnym, chorym, tym, którym w życiu jest Trudno, życzę pokoju, ciepła the miłości; wszystkim ducha nadziei, przebaczenia the pojednania. Niech Światło płynące z betlejemskiego żłóbka opromienia w tym szczególnym Roku - Roku Wiary - Cala Polskę, wasze Życie the serca.Niech Boze Dziecię wszystkim wam błogosławi.
Dear Polish brothers and sisters, now in a little Christmas spirit pervade your homes, your families and communities. We join our faith and the joy of the birth of the Savior.I wish each of you - and especially to people who are lonely, the sick, those who face the challenges of life - peace, warmth and love, all the hope, forgiveness and reconciliation. The light that comes from the stable of Bethlehem radiate in this special year - Year of Faith - on the whole of Poland, in your life and in your hearts. The Divine Child bless you all! ]
Lastly, I address a cordial greeting to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. I wish you all a good Sunday and a lot of peace of mind for the coming holidays of Christmas. Have a good Sunday!

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