Friday 18 January 2013

Second Level of Infallibility

b) Second level: LG 25: "Although the individual bishops do not have the 
prerogative of infallibility, they can yet teach Christ's doctrine 
infallibly. This is true even when they are scattered around the world, 
provided that, while maintaining the bond of unity among themselves, and 
with the successor of Peter, they concur in one teaching as the one which 
must be definitively held." This means: (1) The day to day teaching of the 
Church throughout the world, when it gives things as definitively part of 
the faith, (2) If this can be done when scattered, all the more can it be 
done when assembled in Council. Thus Trent (DS 1520) after "strictly 
prohibiting anyone from hereafter believing or preaching or teaching 
differently than what is established and explained in the present decree," 
went on to give infallible teaching even in the capitula, outside the 

To know whether the Church intends to teach infallibly on this second 
level, we notice both the language -- no set form required - and the 
intention, which may be seen at times from the nature of the case, at times 
from the repetition of the doctrine on this second level.