Thursday 19 December 2013

Downsizing Two: Advent Thoughts on Death Again

The problem for most of us is that we identify with our things, especially in America.

It is part of the American Dream to have a house, a car, a chicken in the pot.

But, the Christ, Our Lord Jesus, calls us to the interior life over and over.

Why? Because if there is goodness and life in the soul, the body will follow in goodness and life.


We identify too often with what we do, as well.

For example, when I can, I paint. I paint using acrylics, water color, and oils.

I could say I am an amateur painter.

But, that is not who I am.

I write. I have been writing all my life, since I could hold a pen or pencil.

I have tons of manuscripts.

But, I am more than a writer. And those "things", the poems, the short stories, the fairy tales, do not determine who I am.

If I hang on to things, it is because I have forgotten who I really am. I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He has everything. I need, I mean, need, nothing but Him. Like the bride who only has eyes for Christ, so, too, the lover of Christ only has eyes for Him. He determines my needs and wants.

to be continued....