Wednesday 12 February 2014

LAST Post on Community-Podding

Beech Grove Community in Kent

I have written a series on community which you all can find through the labels and tags. The reason this is the LAST post on community is this.

After a long talk with a friend yesterday and some thoughtful moments of discernment afterwards, I have come to these conclusions.

1) Now is the time for action.

2) Action must be taken from contacts made on social networking, but move OFF of social networking.

3) What do I mean? My friend came up with the idea that those on twitter, facebook and even blogs who agree that networking and community must begin now form the basic groupings of community. But, one must, absolutely, move away from social networking into personal community building.

4) This means that meetings with people,  letters, not phone calls or emails, must become the norm.

Communities should become what I label "pods" after discussing this with my friend who came up with the idea.

Thanks to wiki

"Podding" means that very soon, like NOW, people who can take others into their homes in the event of persecution and chaos, must be identified and these places known to people within driving distance.

These "pods" could be small places which could take one or two, or larger places.

Monasteries and convents will NOT be "safe havens" as those will be the first to be persecuted.

Therefore, the laity must plan these "pods" and get the word around that "podding" could happen in such and such an area.

If you are not thinking of this now and working on this now, you will not be able to move quickly.

The entire point of survival is passing on the Faith to the next generation.

Those of you who can take people and can prepare for such, even having people sleeping on sofas, etc. should think now how you can communicate "podding" in your areas.

Catholic Men of the West. You must take a lead in this.

I shall not write anymore on community. You all have enough information with which to work from this blog and other places.

If you are caught unaware, it is because you did not "pod". Thanks!

God bless you all for seriously thinking of these things. By the way, six people were told in prayer where to move; and a seventh one who was in the same family as one of the others, but years before, were all told to move west of the Mississippi. Now, these are not infallible statements, but I find it interesting that women aged 24, 52, 59, and 40, and men aged 45, 52 and 25, all heard this separately in very diverse circumstances and in different states. Because of this blog and conversations, these were related to me.

I am moving again on Friday, which is very hard for me at my age. This is the ninth move in six months. I cannot continue like this, so please, dear readers, storm heaven for a permanent place for me.

I am simply too old for this.

God has a place, but it has not been shown to me yet.