Tuesday 29 July 2014

Enemy Territory Two

Many times on this blog, I have tried to explain that the Church Militant is MILITANT. Sadly, for many Catholics, the Faith has become a hobby and not a lifestyle in enemy territory. We are all in enemy territory now.

It is hard to be a prayer warrior, or a blogger, or someone like Michael Voris, if people do not want to fight.

Can one imagine a war wherein the inhabitants of a country do not want to be rescued? A friend of mine's grandfather was hacked to death by Muslims because he refused to move away from danger.

He was a Catholic. She watched him being killed and thankfully, her father decided to take the family out of danger. They are all living in a free country now, and working for the Church.

What about all those who give up too easily? Giving up is not the stuff of martyrs.

And, those of us who blog and make videos, are very few. We have souls in mind when we type or stand in front of a camera.

Souls will go to hell, people, if the fight does not become personal, interior, real.

We cannot just sit back.

Look at the rise of gross anti-Semitism today in the news-Canada, Florida, France, England, Poland, Italy-all experiencing hatred and yelling about it. Google protects the freedom of speech for anti-Semitic lies and jargon.

Do you think Catholics will be spared? No.

I shall write, or try to, until God tells me to stop. Not having a computer is not a sign. It is spiritual warfare.

Thankfully, Michael Voris has a little community around him. He has staff with whom to pray and he can go to daily Mass.

Some of us on the front lines have been separated from our units, or our units have been decimated.

If you slack off, if you do not know you are in enemy territory, you are being deceived by the propaganda of the evil one. Yes, he is more intelligent than we are and can deceive.

Do not pretend that we should not be fighting. Do not pretend that somehow God will intervene. Not yet. Not yet.

We have a very short time to get ready for out and out persecution. I give in less than 18 months.

If some readers want to persist in ignorance and hide in entertainment or trivia, I beg you to stop.

Stop and pray, read Scripures daily, say the rosary daily. If you can, go to Adoration, and go to daily Mass.

I have tried to show you the way on this blog to holiness through the greats. One is the Doctor of the Church, whose feast day is tomorrow.

Do you think the saints gave up, ever? No. There are too many people who think that one cannot be a saint and be in the world. We are all called to be saints.

I pray many hours a day. I read Scripture, say the rosary, but God gave me the command to write and until He says stop, I shall. God showed me last year in the convent that He wanted me out in the world. Here I am.

I may start an e-book, as a friend wants me to do, but I need a computer for that.

Pray for my needs and if you can help, do so.

Your days for freedom to read and learn and mine to write are numbered, severely, but not yet.

Not yet.

Imagine your house was burning and you were trapped. Would you not want help getting out?

That is what I am doing-trying to pull so many out of the fire.

All the great theologians, including Thomas Aquinas, tell us there are many more people in hell than in heaven.

I grieve at the loss of one soul.

So, I blog and I pray in enemy territory.