Sunday 20 July 2014

To be a Protestant is to be....well, a protester

I wrote this on another blog.

As to ecumenism, as one who has spent much time in GB in 2011-2013, and from 1985 through 1995, I can say the discussions seriously ended a long time ago. ARCIC was a joke to begin with and the only real discussions happened among clergy having to share facilities or work in university situations.

However, the vote on women priests over ten years ago stopped most discussions and led directly to the founding of the Ordinariate.

To pretend one can have ecumenical relationships with Christian denominations which have departed from traditional Gospel truths and even the Ten Commandments, is a waste of time.

I do not know one seriously orthodox priest in England who believes in such ecumenical outreach anymore, and the government, through various policies, has managed to keep the Anti-Catholic feelings always in England alive and well, as with the defeat of the proposed law to allow Catholics on the throne.

When the Queen within two days of Parliament passing the "same-sex marriage" Bill signing it into law, she not only deepened the gap between Catholics and Anglicans, but also broke her coronation oath.

The sham of ecumenism must be seen for what is was since ARCIC--an attempt to meet in some false middle ground of agreements in very superficial areas. 1992 was the watershed year of the Anglicans openly pushing over any pretensions to apostolic succession, a point clarified in the negative by the saintly Leo XIII.

I think it is time for the Catholic Church in GB to go on the offense and proudly claim to be the one, true, holy, and apostolic Church, and inviting anyone who wants to embrace this great heritage in...real unity is joining the Catholic Church, not covering up the huge cracks separating us from protestantism with paper.

The Catholic Church in GB needs to come out strong against contraception and ssm, and She will, as the younger men in the seminaries are prepared for martyrdom.

We have seen it all before.