Thursday 16 October 2014

Good grief... personalism and relativism on Zenit YUK!

Cardinal Kasper: 'Growing Majority' in Synod Support Divorce-Remarriage Proposal
Says Pope Has Problems in His Own Family, Wants to See an "Opening"
By Edward Pentin
VATICAN CITY, October 15, 2014 ( - Cardinal Walter Kasper has said he thinks a “growing majority” of the synod are in favor of his proposal to allow some divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive holy Communion.
Speaking as he came out of Tuesday evening’s small working group discussions, the German cardinal said the Pope has witnessed such problems in his own family and that he has “looked at the laity and seen the great majority are for a reasonable, responsible opening.” The Vatican has not denied that the Pope wants such an “opening” in this area.
The cardinal's proposal to administer holy Communion to some divorced and "remarried" couples after a period of penitence has been roundly criticized by a number of senior Church leaders, including Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, and Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy.
Cardinal Kasper also discussed his views on the synod, and appeared to suggest that African views on homosexuality -- where the issue remains a taboo -- are not listened to by the Western delegates in the assembly. Noting how “impossible” it is for Western delegates to comment on African issues, he said likewise “they should not tell us too much what we have to do.”

But, Dolan seems to be holding with tradition....