Friday 28 November 2014

The Day of The Wrath of The Bus Drivers

This morning, I asked a bus driver for directions. He literally slammed the door in my face without answering my question.

Then, later, a female bus driver got into a fight with one of the passengers, and a shouting match of twenty minutes occurred. Of course, I did not understand a word, but anger filled the air in both cases.

The horrible treatment of tourists, who come here and spend lots of money, is getting worse. An American this morning told me he is sick of the rudeness from the Maltese shopkeepers, bus drivers, waiters, and so on.

There seems to be anger and frustration in the air, as if the demons of the air were wafting through the streets of Valletta and St. Julian's tripping people's anger levers.

So many people here are unhappy, but prosperous. Most of the real Maltese live very comfortable lives. My new American colleague said they seemed spoiled, like contentious children.

The anger wears one down. Thank God, I feel peace and as I cannot understand Maltese, find situations odd, and slightly amusing. But, the rudeness is "getting old".

And, the rudeness is getting to some tourists, who are complaining that sweet Malta is changing.

Of course there is one big reason why there is anger and that is that the people here have left the Kingdom of God for the Kingdom of Mammon.

Malta is no longer Catholic, as my American friend said, and he knows, as he has lived here for awhile.

So sad--the ending of a great anger and greed.