Tuesday 18 November 2014

Why Persecution? Why Tribulation?

Hebrews 3:7-8Douay-Rheims 

Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saith: To day if you shall hear his voice,
Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation; in the day of temptation in the desert,

Since 2007, I have written about the coming persecution of real Catholics. One can follow the tags.

Here is one post.


I have also written that persecution is for the purification of the elect, which may be clarified by reading the long series on Predestination.

But, one thing is clear. Persecution creates heroes and this world is in great need of heroes.

Saints are heroes.

Our children need heroes, need models of grace and courage.

Adults need heroes to spur them on and continue the fight against evil.

We are not living in a time of heroes, but a time which glorifies anti-heroes. This was clear even in the depiction of Aragorn in LOTR movies, when Jackson missed the chance to really explore and understand the ideal of kingship, which Tolkien understood and revealed in his books.

Persecution forces the mediocre to make decisions. No one can be an existentialist in a time of tribulation. Persecution forces the good to become excellent, as the good are made pure of heart, mind and soul in persecution.

Persecution clarifies what is heresy and what is truth in the Church. We are seeing that already, clearly.

Persecution causes men and women to convert, to see the truth and choose it. People more easily convert when they can see from what they are turning and what they are embracing.

However, there is something which escapes most Catholics, a small truth which can change history. And, it is this. If we cooperated with God daily in being purified, we would not need a time of tribulation.

Persecution creates saints, but so do daily decisions for Christ and for his Church. If Catholics got up early or went to Mass after work daily, if Catholics went to Confession regularly and attended Adoration whenever it was offered, if Catholics stood up for the truth in the market-place, making the reign of Christ real in the world, if Catholics took on mortification and penance, we would not need persecution.

Christ desires as many people as possible to go to heaven. Persecution allows evil to be seen clearly, helping some convert, and the good to rise to the level of perfection.

But, if we prayed and cooperated with grace now, daily, these times will be shortened.

The times of purification have begun. For some, persecution is part of daily life.

Pray to become a hero now, to become a saint now.

Then, one can evangelize others with real authority and power.

Then, the time of persecution could be lessened.