Wednesday 31 December 2014

A Saying Proven False

Once, when I was in Ireland, someone told me that where one celebrates New Year's Eve is where one will be a year later. Does this count crossing a state line in order to go to a party?

Hmmm. Here are the places I have been recently on December 31st.

2009 Maryville, Missouri

2010 Moline, Illinois

2011 County Meath, Ireland

2012 London, England

2013 Davenport, Iowa

2014 St. Andrew's Malta

I can go back in my personal history further and give other examples of this contradiction to an old wive's tale. However, I wish it were true. I would like December 31, 1985 to be repeated--I was in Rome at the Venerabile!

From where do these quaint sayings come? I really would like to know where this one originated.
And, why? Happy New Year to all my readers, wherever you are.