Monday 20 February 2012

Sanity and Insanity

Dr Sanity, who is the genius blogger, has written on Santorum and BLT today, with a great cartoon. Check this out. And, as I am weary of repeating what I have written on this blog and my former blog against BLT, here is my comment on the great doctor's post.

Wish I had her brain: Dr. Sanity, thank you again.
from Supertradmum...Thanks for posting this. I have been almost manic since 2008, in trying to convince people of the nutsiness of the Wright Church in Chicago and the entire Black Liberation Theology anti-Semitism. The lack of scholarship overtaken by ideology in a race concerning which dumb theory is the best to push BLT has been ignored by the media. Santorum seemed to back down a bit today, but phony theologies is a great phrase. The Christian Jesus is not a militant, violent Messiah, nor are the Blacks the Chosen People of God. On my blog and in the classroom when I was teaching college, I less than successfully pointed out the Marxist behind the Cross ideas of Obama. Well, some of the voting public have bothered to look at the websites of Obama's ex-church in Chicago and the BLT stuff taught in New York at the Union Theological Center. How many articles does one have to write on this disgusting tripe before some out there in voting land get it? Thanks for your erudition and insights again. 

Wow, and my post on a comment of mine on a post seems very much like post-post-modern literature. Oh, dear...