Tuesday 20 March 2012

Chavagnes International College

Chavagnes International College is a great but small treasure in the Vendee. Here, where I am visiting, the ancient monastic site holds a small English boys' college, where students get individual attention and much Catholic input. The Headmaster, Mr. Ferdi McDermott, who founded the school over ten years ago, has a charismatic personality which informs the entire staff with a certain energy. In addition, what is most impressive is the faculty tutor staff, some of whom are young and traditional and who are part of the Community of St. Gregory here, an official Community of the Faithful. Without this backbone of prayer and commitment, the school would not be as precious as it is. For any traditional Catholic family which does not want to home school the boys, this is a real option.

The French boys learn English and the English boys learn French. The curriculum is solid and I have rarely seen such a dedicated staff. Even the food is better than typical English school fare, but then, it is in France.

Last night, the students and faculty provided a Shakespeare night with selections and it was very well done, including the music and ambiance. It was lovely to hear Shakespeare in the middle of the Vendee, including Henry V selections. Here is one of the links to the school, which also has the Tridentine as well as the NO Mass, and there is another link. There is also a book from Amazon.