Wednesday 14 March 2012

More Persecution of Christians to Come in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales

I know I have several posts today, but I need to refer to the new movement in England to ban the wearing of crosses or crucifixes in the workplace. Here is the news item. Although Muslims, Sikhs and other persons can wear their symbols, the cross seems to bother some Conservatives in the government. This is out and out persecution of Christians. Thankfully, some Anglicans, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Carey, have come out against this. Carey said ministers and courts were "dictating" to believers, calling it another example of Christianity being marginalized in the public square."The reasoning is based on a wholly inappropriate judgment of matters of theology and worship about which they can claim no expertise," he charged. "The irony is that when governments and courts dictate to Christians that the cross is a matter of insignificance, it becomes an even more important symbol and expression of our faith," he added.