Sunday 22 April 2012

To Date: French Election Results

Upate from France24 Live Blog:
According to second round voting intentions, 54% of people will vote for Hollande and 46% for Sarkozy (Ipso).

Now, at just after seven-thirty British Summer Time, the French seem to be voting in the first election, very closely for the socialists, and Sarkozy. The problem is that the communists have at this writing 11.4% of the vote as well, making the far-left over 40%. The results will be coming in until 11:00 and I shall be checking the results later. Results here are exit polls.

Ms. Marine Le Pen has 20% of the vote, as she has softened the image of her father, and she appeals to the youth as well. One sees the youth vote divided between the far-left and the far-right, which is very interesting, and perhaps, not unusual. The problem with Melenchon, is that he is calling for a negative vote, against Sarkozy, instead of a positive vote. But, this is typical of communists, who are using the problems of the moment for the old, Marxist agenda. More later. Our Lady of Lords, pray for France.