Wednesday 18 April 2012

Wake up time!

Read this blog from January of this year and you will see a theme. Thankfully, some Catholics in the United States are waking up to the Marxist ideology, including definitions and language of the Obama administration, which I have been writing about since the Summer of 2008. It is never to late to learn and DO something about Black Liberation Theology, which I have written about on this blog off and on for months.

In addition, unless Catholics really stop playing footsy with communism, socialism, and all false religions, the game will be up for the Catholic Church.

These same issues were being discussed between the wars, in the 1920s and 1930s. How did Americans and even the British become so stupid about the far left? Hope for democracy is no excuse for ignoring the undercurrents of radical political agendas.

Blame the education systems, which were taken over by the liberals in the interim between the wars. I sincerely pray that more Church leaders wake up to the lateness of the day regarding the real enemy within. The language of POTUS is purposefully divisive, as it serves him and his party to create division in the States. The same is true for Cameron in GB. As these leaders push the envelope in order to get their agendas enshrined in law, they may be surprised at the depth of opposition, such as the 40,000 people who have signed a petition against civil unions in GB. It is never too late to wake up....