Thursday 14 June 2012

A few words....nothing matters but love

I have a simple message today. Love, even without return, as this is the perfect love of God. And, you will live in joy. You will be misunderstood, even thought to be foolish or unwise. You will be seen not as Christ, but as one of the lowest on the Earth. You will be criticized for being unworldly, or naive. You will be thought childish and you may be lonely. If you are poor or ill, you will not have comfort. Nothing matters but love.

Such is the love of Christ on the Cross, when those who taunted Him said, "And saying: Vah, thou that destroyest the temple of God, and in three days dost rebuild it: save thy own self: if thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross." DR Matthew 27:40.

Do not let your love turn to hate, but let it be purified by sacrifice, forgiveness, and praise.

Our God is the God Who did not come down from the Cross. And, He is the God of the Living and not the Dead. If you die to yourself now, you will live forever in Christ. He is All in All and carries our loves and losses in Him.