Saturday 30 June 2012

First Day of the Novena to the Holy Spirit for the SSPX

On a day and in a week when there are so many world crises, as in Egypt, the EU and in the States, I can hardly decide what to write. I think the most important thing today is to start the novena to the Holy Spirit which many of us are saying for the reconciliation of the SSPX. Here it is from the site. Click on the Veni Creator for the prayer.

"The Society of St. Pius X's annual General Chapter will take place at St. Pius X Seminary in Econe, Switzerland from July 9 to 14, following a retreat for the participants (the General Council and the SSPX's major superiors).

We invite the faithful, religious and clergy to join the members of the SSPX in a novena to the Holy Ghost from June 30 to July 8. The novena will consist of praying the Veni Creator Spiritus with the addition of 2 invocations:
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. (3 times)
  • St. Pius X, pray for us."

    It is time for humility. I think the SSPX would renew the Church. Please join me in prayer.