Thursday 28 June 2012

"l Love London in the Rain"

I know the City of London better than the back of my hand. Don't ask me why. But, one reason is that I had a good friend who used to work in the City and we would meet for lunch, and I would go to Mass at Ely Place, etc.

The wine and champagne, as well as the Macallan for my wedding reception was bought at El Vino's. I have had lunch or a drink at the Ye Olde Mitre (Bishop's Mitre), Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, The George, and the old Wig and Pen several times. I have walked through many of the small lanes of the Temple areas, visited many churches, including that of the Templars, St. Etheldreda's in Ely Place, St. Mary's, St. Clements (both shut up today), St. Paul's and others on the outskirts, such as St. Martin-in-the-Fields, where a fantastic organ piece was bein played just as we came in this afternoon at the end of Evening Song.

I have seen in the past the statue of St. Thomas More near the Courts of Justice, but could not find it today in the rain. We past The Coal Hole, of  Fr. Z fame on our way to Trafalgar Square. There were more people and less pigeons than the last time I was there.

I showed my friends where Twining's Teas started in 1705, when the newspapers of the empire used to hold sway, and where Dickens and Johnson met their friends.

We did not get to the area of Bleeding Heart Yard, nor Covent Garden--next time. We went on to Westminster, as I mentioned above. We did not go into the Soane, which is so unique. Next time.

We did see the theaters around the Aldwych, and we stopped to admire the knight on top of the Savoy.

We walked at miles here and there, ending up in Pall Mall, across from where Notre Dame has a London program where I attended a party many years ago. We did not go into the museums or art galleries, but one of my friends climbed up on one of Nelson's lions and had his photo taken. Great day. Sadly, we could not get into the Knight's Templar Church, as the choir was practicing.

Happy day, happy memories. We ran around the fountains at Somerset House and wished we had time to go into the Courtauld. Next time.

I need to go back and spend more time walking in the footsteps of More and Dickens. I love the City of London and the City of Westminster. There is not enough time in the world.

And, I agree with Johnson, "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."