Sunday 15 July 2012

Beating the old drum of rebellion

The Catholic Herald is the best in English Catholic newspapers, but far from perfect. A headline in this week's is "English priest who says Humanae Vitae is infallible is named bishop."

Of course, I hate to tell the person who wrote the headline, but many of us have known that HV is infallible ever since the encyclical was published from the Chair of Peter.

I marvel at the ignorance and rebellion of so many Catholics here. And, remember, the Tablet led the rebellious troops with its instant rejection of HV when it was published.

Now, the article seems positive, but why the toddler-tantrum headline?

The CH needs to get rid of Fr. Ronald Rolheiser's column for another thing.

One of my smart sem friends states that the Church only needs to ask three things of a young man who wants to be a priest. He is in a seminary in the States. His List: 1) Do you believe in the Church's stand on lgtbs? 2) Do you love the Blessed Virgin? 3) Do you agree with and uphold Humanae Vitae? Asking those questions would sort things out a bit...