Monday 16 July 2012

Boris and Mr. Stubbs

Iain Martin has an insightful, entertaining, and well-written article in this month's Standpoint. It is all about Boris. Now, I thought I was the only one to make the Teddy Roosevelt-Boris-Churchill connections, but Martin got there first in print. I was only thinking it, being an American and hesitant to draw too many conclusions about current affairs in London-town.

Reasons why one may be wary of Boris are innumerable. But, he was a LOT better choice for mayor than you-know-who, the other boring egotist, of the left. Now, Boris is not boring. He is ambitious, which is obvious. He is also brilliant, which is obvious. He is greatly entertaining, and I know one young person who watches Mayor's Question Time as a habit. I have watched him twice this year, and he smashed his opponents both times,  Labourites, who looked really soppy, and could not withstand the Mayor's verbal assaults. He appeals to some as an "American" type of go-getter, charismatic leader who doesn't take any nonsense or no for an answer. That he is funny and quick off the mark in debate is true. But, substance, well...that seems to be the soft-underside of all politicians these days. Boris is better than some. As Martin has great sources in his article, read it. Think about Boris for PM? Hmmm. I would like to read more
I have one question. Does Boris cut his own hair?


Now, I do think Boris is cute, but he has competition here. A cat is mayor of a town in Alaska. Love it. Here is Mayor Stubbs. I wonder who does his grooming? Ah, most cats do their own, so he could be in the Boris cat-egory (pun intended) if Boris cuts his own hair.....