Tuesday 24 July 2012

More on the BioVentures Center in Iowa

This news is a bit late, but it is good news--I had a post on this earlier, but I want to follow-up on this.. On July 11th in Coraville, Iowa, Rick Santorum helped launch the Give Cures at the BioVentures Center in Iowa City, for the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Center. This type of research provides cures  without using the tissues of aborted babies. Santorum stated:  

"Shortcuts by promoting abortion and promoting unethical behavior are certainly not the best solution to whatever medical condition you might have...How many people have ever heart of a single cure as a result of fetal tissue (research)? The answer is none, zero..The field has been abandoned."

Father Jim Vrba, pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Solon, Iowa stressed in the article in the local diocesan paper that the center's research was in line with Church teaching that life begins at conception.

I write about this again to encourage those who want to give to a great cause in research, that Catholics are working hard in the area of stem cell research. 

You may contact the group in order to give a donation.http://www.givecures.org/#/about/4563732608