Tuesday 3 July 2012

On Msgr. Guido Marini

If I were a male person, which I am not, I could think of no better job, for honor and for fun, than being the Pope's MC. This past week in The Catholic Herald, there was an interview of Msgr. Guido Marini, who has a famous cat named after him as well. Msgr. Marini is responsible for implementing the more traditional changes in the Liturgy we have seen since his appointment in 2005. The two priests, the Pope and this MC are experts in the Liturgy and aware that a Papal Liturgy should look and feel differently. One of the most succinct statements in the interview reads, "Pope Benedict ensures that the liturgical celebrations are 'always an example and reference point for the universal Church.'"  Yes and thank you.

Marini was quoted, again referring to the Pope, regarding the message at the recent Eucharistic Congress, that "much still remains to be done on the path of real liturgical renewal." One could start with the closing Mass of the Congress.

Just taking one point, the Pope requires those who receive Holy Communion from his to kneel. I do this daily, when my right knee does not hurt. Thankfully, the priests from whom I receive Holy Communion do not mind, but know what the Pope is doing as well--setting the tone of more respect.

Calling this and other changes, "exemplary gestures" is enough for me.

On large outdoor Masses, which I am totally against, having been involved in such as a younger person at the level of organization and help, and realizing all the pitfalls, Marini notes that these bring out problems as the journalist writes. Read the entire article in the paper, June 29th Edition.