Monday 20 August 2012

The last meditation on Ephesians for awhile...

This is the last day I am thinking on the pericope from Ephesians, which was a reading at Mass over a week ago. What really struck me was this verse: And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness. Ephesians 5:2 DR

The word "us" refers to the company of the believers, the people of Ephesus who were Christians, Catholics already. 

Wow. What does this mean? That Christ offered Himself up for those who believe. The non-believer and those who have rejected Christ, and some who hate Him, are not here being addressed.

Christ offered Himself up as Victim, as Sacrifice, which is His Body and Blood. And, those who partake in the Holy Eucharist receive both Victim and Priest.

He is the Priest and the priest at Mass is the alter Christus.

We are reminded that He offered Himself for us as we sin daily. 

Thanks be to God. I would love to go to the Holy Land. I would love to visit the earliest churches in the cities mentioned in Revelation. Ephesus had a library...

These Christians were urbane and yet, open to Christ. Read, think, pray, act....evangelize.