Thursday 6 September 2012

Ignatian Meditation Three

Christ is showing us something very daring in the passage from last Sunday. Mark 7:1-8; 14-15; 21-23.

He uses Scripture to teach those who were experts in Scripture. He could, as it were, beat them at their own game. But more than that, Christ was loving the Pharisees and scribes, meeting them in their own arena of expertise.

The fact that Christ engaged them and talked with them, challenging them, indicates a real zeal for their souls.

He was loving them exactly where they were in their walks in life.

He used their own language to stop them from taking their own religion for granted.

He was calling them to a deeper understanding of their own stunted faith.

Christ did not ignore the Pharisees and scribes. But, neither did He compromise the Truth.

He :engaged the culture" to use a worn out Vatican II phrase, but He went on to proclaim the Truth loud an and clear.

No compromising, but engaging. We can learn from this passage about evangelization.