Tuesday 11 September 2012

On private revelations in general

I had a very long talk with a friend whose family is involved in meeting with and promoting a false seer.

I tried to point out the many doctrinal errors of her argument, but she is closed. She is also disobedient to Rome in following this particular person I have highlighted on this blog more than once.

The Church has stated that the seer's teachings are not revelations, but personal meditations.

Here are the problems not being addressed:

1) if Rome has made a statement about a visionary or seer, we must take that stand seriously;

2) if Rome states that one should not attend prayer meetings or talks given by a person, we must obey, even if we disagree or do not understand;;

3) our own judgements are not infallible and we must rely on authority;

4) even if a bishop or cardinal is "liberal", when they make publish either guidelines or prohibitions, we are under obedience to follow those; the Holy Spirit protects the Church;

5) we sin in pride for not being humble when being corrected by the Church and may even be in serious sin;

6) if our brothers and sisters in Christ try and show us the Truth and we are closed, we are in serious danger of losing our communion with the Church; if one follows a heretic, one becomes a heretic;

7) we should be studying the teachings of the Church and not the teachings of seers.

8) if there is a conflict between what a visionary states and what the Church states, you must follow the Church.

9) to go to meetings, conferences, and prayer groups under these false seer's direction becomes a temptation to disobedience and pride.

I pray for my friends. May their eyes be opened.