Thursday 13 September 2012

Vatican Press Office Problems Again

UPDATE: Since I wrote this, the Vatican has changed its tune and issued a strong condemnation of the violence. Boy, that office needs to get its act together. Here is the link.

I am aware of a press release from the Vatican Press Office, which has poor credibility as an office for this reader. I am waiting for clarifications. Let us just say that the release was poorly worded and provocative, and, thankfully, not infallible, folks.

Last year, we had the trouble with the non-approved economic document from the Vatican which caused a scandal. One can look at Fr. Z. and archives for my comments on that dismal affair over a period of several days in October.

Now, we have another knee-jerk reaction press release, which I cannot believe would be approved by the Pope.

Last Advent, the Pope said the enemy is within the Church. Sadly, this may be true and some may be in the Vatican itself.

Violence is always to be condemned and violence as a means to an end is just only in defence against evil.

I am perplexed and ashamed that those in authority did not check or let this statement yesterday pass. More later on this subject...The most one can say is that it was badly worded. But it is insensitive to the dead and their families and falls into the deceit of those who perpetrated the violence. Why, I do not know

God bless all the families of those who were so brutally murdered in Libyan. God forgive those who believe in communist and Marxist revolution and those who would pander to men of violence for the sake of peace.

Catholics and men of good will did not provoke or start this violence.

  1. We are what we believe. The only true religion is the Catholic religion. Islam is a man-made religion, not one of the two revealed religions which are Judaism and Catholicism. As Catholics it is our duty to spread the Gospel as commanded by Christ. If we give in to deceit and falsehoods in our own thinking, we cannot save souls. That is what we must do. Saving souls means understanding that there are objective truths revealed to us by the Trinity.
    We can objectively criticize a heresy or a false religion and we must. We do not have to use subjective arguments.
    I know many nice and polite, entertaining and gracious atheists. However, I try to win them over to the true Faith for the sake of their souls. Dialogue is not necessarily the meeting of equals. Atheists are wrong about their world view. Moslems are wrong about their views of the Triune God and His plan for salvation. We cannot pretend their views are of God or that we can merely ignore their own plans for world dominance. There is a lot of confusion concerning the politics of Islam. Islam is basically a materialistic religion, (as is liberation theology) which sees the necessity for a kingdom of religion on earth by any means, including violence. To say otherwise is to contradict the writings and history of this false religion. That some Moslems disagree with each other is not the question here. We cannot make comparisons with Christianity, as God is our founder. That the founder of Islam used the Bible and Torah for some of his ideas is known by scholars and obvious to keen readers. That the Moslems deny the Divine establishment of both the Old and the New Testament is a serious problem of their revisionist history. That they deny Christ and want others to deny Christ should be our concern.
    People died in the past two days because of fanaticism which is written into the texts. That Catholics choose to admit this fact or deny it is a question of honesty. Once we lose the ability to critique objectively anything which is not the truth, we lose not only our Catholic identity but our ability to be holy. Holiness is based on objectivity. The Catholic martyrs were objective critics. They knew the truth and refused to compromise. We cannot do less.