Friday 16 November 2012

The Death of Catholic Ireland

Irish citizens last week passed a law which takes away parental authority over children and gives it to the State.

Only 33 percent of those who are eligible for voting did vote. This socialistic law will determine the lives of generations of children. If I were a parent in Ireland, I would leave NOW with kids in tow, before that becomes illegal.

One cannot imagine the fall from grace which has led to this law being passed.  And, now there is a Marie Stopes abortion mill in Belfast as well. I am so affected by the godlessness and anti-Catholicism which is spewed out on the radio and television daily, that I can hardly believe it. This hatred is based on a hatred of religion and unforgiven events.  The Irish live in the past in their emotions, and this is killing the country's soul, causing an emotional blindness to rule over reason.

I beg St. Oliver Plunkett to intercede. I am sick of hearing that Ireland is the island of saints. We need saints here now, living, standing up for the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. Christ is being crucified by those who once died for His Church. Holiness is consider the job of the old. The country is committing spiritual suicide. For what? Money? Comfort? To be part of the EU?

Part of the problem is the attitude of entitlement. Part of the problem is the old flirtation of socialism and communism by the labour parties here. Most of the problem is ennui.

Sad, sad days....