Tuesday 25 December 2012

Be grateful today

Be thankful, today, that you can drive or walk to Mass, or take the tube to hear fantastic music, or watch a Nativity Play. Be grateful that you live in a country where Jesus is proclaimed as Lord and Saviour without your family being threatened with death, or your employment ended.

Be thankful that the Babe in the manger reaches out to you at Mass today and that you can receive Christ under the humble species of bread and wine, now His Body and Blood.

Be grateful that you can spend time openly with your families, friends and relatives and not needing a locked gate at the door of your church.

Be grateful for freedom of religion to write, read, study your religion.

Be thankful, always, that the bells can ring out on Christmas morning.

Pray for your brothers and sisters in Nigeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Mali, Indonesia, Pakistan, and many other places where Christ suffers through His people.
