Wednesday 12 December 2012

Thoughts on Idolatry

This is a hard thing to write, but write it I must. I was listening to Venerable Fulton J. Sheen on Mary and, by extension, the Church as the Bride of Christ. The saint stated clearly that one of the reasons that a woman cannot be a priest is the reality of Christ, as Man, giving life to the Church and the Church receiving it as a Bride. His imagery was striking.

Those of us who know the symbolism and truth of the relationship between Christ and His Church know it is one of love. St. Bernard of Clairvaux in his great sermons on the Bride in the Song of Songs, notes that the Church is Christ's Bride.

Many of the so-called womynpriests are also liberals in other ways. The Anglican Church, which has accepted womnypriests since 1992 also accepts gay men and women as priests. There is a gender confusion based on a huge misunderstanding of the relationship of Christ as Groom to Church as Bride.

How many women who want to be priests are also pro-gay, pro-lesbian? Is there a connection between  the sin of homosexual acts and the horrible misunderstanding of the priesthood? Could it be that the blurring of the gender of Christ, the God-Man, is part of the confusion of sin?

I think so.

In a Church which cannot accept Christ as God Incarnated as a Man and as priest who are alter Christus, is there not an acceptance of same-sex marriage?

 The two are connected in the pysches of those who want to make the Church in their own image and likeness. The photo is of two lesbian priests who got "married" last year at a ceremony in Cambridge, Mass. attended by 400 people. One is dean in a divinity school.

That is the goal of both the gay agenda and the push for womynpriests-to remake the Church into an image of confusion and sin, rather than love and beauty.

When we try and make God into our image and likeness, we are committing the sin of idolatry, the sin against the first commandment. That fact that it is the first commandment, I am the Lord Thy God, thou  shalt not have strange gods before Me, means it is the most important and the commandment underlining all the others.

Homosexual and lesbians acts are idolatry, as one is only loving one's self as mirrored in another person, rather than loving the other; the other is the other gender.

I think that it is not an accident that the womynpriest movement and the movement for gay and lesbian rights overlap in the churches which are departing from the Gospels. I think these are psychologically and philosophically connected.