Thursday 10 January 2013

Finally, birds in Malta--well, sort of....

A more than weird thing happened to me in the Millennium Adoration Chapel today. In fact, more than one weird thing happened, but I shall mention one.

I was praying and realized I heard birds in the background from somewhere. At first, I was thrilled at the thought that not all the songbirds in Malta had been shot for sport.

Then, I realized, to my surprise, that I was listening to Meadowlarks, Cardinals, Flycatchers, Grasshopper Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows, Cowbirds, Nuthatches, House Finches and North American Crows.

Yes, it was a CD of Midwestern Birds.

I could identify at least fifteen songs and calls. It was as if I was sitting at a lakeside in Iowa, Missouri, or Wisconsin.

I have thirty plus years of bird watching diaries. I know my birds...especially my Midwest birds.

Odd and eerie. Or, should I say, airy.