Tuesday 29 January 2013

For January 30th, a saint for our times

On January 30th, tomorrow, there is a feast day for a saint about whom many have not heard.

St. Hyacintha Mariscotti is an interesting saint for modern times. She went into the convent as she was disappointed in love and brought her worldly lifestyle into the convent with her.

Apparently, she wore habits made of fine cloth, bought extra food, entertained visitors, and basically lived like a yuppie in a convent.

This state of being carried on for ten years, when she was finally admonished by a good priest, and she came to her senses.

Then, she had a real conversion and began to live the penitential life of a real nun.

Here is the continuation of her story from the Catholic Encyclopedia

She made a public confession of her faults in the refectory, discarded her costly garments, wore an old habit, went barefoot, frequently fasted on bread and water, chastised her body by vigils and severe scourging, and practised mortifications to such an extent that the decree of canonization considers the preservation of her life a continued miracle. She increased her devotion to the Mother of God, to the Holy Infant Jesus, to the Blessed Eucharist, and to the sufferings of Christ. She worked numerous miracles, had the gifts of prophecy and of discerning the secret thoughts of others. She was also favoured by heavenly ecstasies and raptures. During an epidemic that raged in Viterbo she showed heroic charity in nursing the sick. She established two confraternities, whose members were called Oblates of Mary or Sacconi. One of these, similar to our Society of St. Vincent de Paul, gathered alms for the convalescent, for the poor who were ashamed to beg, and for the care of prisoners; the other procured homes for the aged. Though now leading a life so pure and holy,Hyacintha always conceived the greatest contempt for herself. At her death great sorrow was felt at Viterbo and crowds flocked to her funeral. She was beatified by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726, and canonized 14 May, 1807, by Pius VII.

Her dates are 1585-1640. She seems like a very modern girl to me and a great model for all of us.