Monday 21 January 2013

from Damian Thompson

Joke of the Day
What do Obama and God have in common?
Neither has a birth certificate.
But, here is a sad joke
from Damian Thompson
BBC praises the Lord for Obama
Employees of the BBC tend to be atheists or agnostics, but the re-election of Barack Obama has persuaded them that there is a God after all. At 10 past eight tomorrow morning you can hear a Radio 4 Sunday Worship service “anticipating the second inauguration of President Obama”.
We’re used to Auntie’s schoolgirl crush on Obama, but this is bizarre. If Romney had won, would there have been a service for his swearing-in? Of course not. The venue, incidentally, is St Martin-in-the-Fields. Quite what form the Obama-worship will take I can’t say, but may I suggest that, for added authenticity, the sermon should be given by the Prez’s former pastor, the delighful Rev Jeremiah Wright?