Wednesday 16 January 2013

On shoe-string potatoes and socialism

Not the McCafe. I am in a different cafe today, eating a ham and cheese sandwich which could be from a shop in Iowa. Weird how Western culture is all over.

But, Western ideals are not. I have been thinking about these times in Malta and in other parts of Europe. People in America still believe the financial crisis cannot happen there. Malta, which has a better economy than most, is also blind-sided by socialism and the false press, which only shows prosperity and not the crisis across the waters. Italian television is more realistic.

 But, people do not want to face the coming climax of the euro-crisis. Why not? The Europeans think that America will fall first and Americans think Europe will fall first. So? It will all happen together. We have a global economy. Duh. (I am eating, by mistake, prawn shoestring potatoes. I could not read the wrap correctly--eeiiuu--so much for being homesick for Iowa shoe-string potatoes).

 Any person who is following the president who has signed more Executive Orders than all the presidents before him, or who is following the new possible Supreme Court appointees should realize we have lost the culture war.

This means we have lost the political culture war as well. Not merely have we lost the abortion, contraception, health-care, same-sex marriage and other moral issues, but the moral issue of thrift, savings, working for a living, earning one's way and not relying on big bloated government. It it any wonder that this president was re-elected in climate where so many people are on food stamps?

The government bought votes.

 As to the Second Amendment, Europe just does not understand how independent minded some of us still are. Unless one is independent in one's spirit and prizes individual freedoms over material benefits, one is a slave.

Socialism is slavery.

I have written so many times on this blog as to the depraved idea of the individual held by socialists and how every Pope for the past 150 plus years has condemned this type of social engineering. And yet, so many Catholics confuse helping the poor with big government.

The Marxists have won the brain game. People think in terms of socialism and not democracy. They think in terms of the free lunch. Nothing is free.

So be it...and so will both national federation fall-America and Europe.