Friday 25 January 2013

Yeah, a real cleric from the comments on the letter below

Deacon Roger
16 January 2013 15:46 (5 of 15) The Tablet Blog

The issue is not the rights of those who may be homosexual but our understanding of the nature of marriage. We are all created in the image and likeness of God. I therefore prefer to see the individual not the label as these are limiting and unhelpful concepts. However, I cannot simply sit on the fence of life. Through the gift of ordination I am asked to uphold the teachings of the Church and you can't achieve this by staying silent. Whilst I prefer to be popular and liked this is not an issue to be avoided. However, I have not seen anyone using strident or hurtful words, but simply stating the Church's understanding of marriage. I have preached twice on the subject and these are the only occasions where I have received immediate responses after Mass. In particular general appreciation that I have spoken about the issue and confronted the underlying confused ideas of our political masters. As a permanent deacon I can't recall anyone asking me to sign this letter, but I would be happy to do so. In my view there has been limited direction from the hierarchy, which might explain why many clergy felt compelled to sign this letter.
Good comment, and let me see if they publish my comments.