Thursday 28 February 2013

A fond goodbye and prayers for Benedict, Pope Emeritus

This Pope is no longer pope. He is not any man we have seen for hundreds of years. He is Benedict, Pope Emeritus. I and the entire Catholic Church of true members pray for him and wish him well. We shall never forget him, even if we never see him again.

He is our brother in Christ, now entering into the life of prayer, the life of a warrior behind the scenes.

May God bless him and bring him to perfection. May he experience the great consolations in contemplation.

May we share in his intercessions for the good of the whole Church.

May we always be grateful for his gentle, yet clear, teaching.

God bless, Benedict, Pope Emeritus.

(There are 16 posts today on this Pope, today and the conclave. Take time to read, please.)

"Loving the church also means having the courage to make tough choices, suffering, having always before you the good of the church and not yourself," yesterday's quotation from Benedict.