Wednesday 6 February 2013

From La Stampa

Vatican backs British bishops in fight against same-sex marriage

Mgr. Paglia says the Catholic doctrine is very clear on this subject but there is also a cross-cultural legal tradition that comes into it

“I fully support Britain’s bishops in their decision to oppose this legislative proposal, just as I supported French bishops who were also unanimous in their opposition to same-sex marriage, as were many others, including Jews, Muslims and humanists. Catholic doctrine is very clear on this subject.”

The President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Mgr. Vincenzo Paglia said this in a statement to Vatican Radio today. The statement was in response to London’s first “yes” to same-sex marriage after the British House of Commons approved PM David Cameron’s bill yesterday.

Mgr. Paglia also mentioned the existence of “a century-old cross-culture legal tradition that is very clear on this issue: marriage is contracted between a man and a woman to form a family partly because of the essential need to procreate. This is why I believe that deviating from this means going down paths without knowing where they lead to, or rather we know for certain they do not lead to stability, but to instability and to the breakdown of human society.”  MORE