Sunday 3 February 2013

Just thinking on a Sunday morning

I am concerned that National Health in the States will be another veiled means of eugenics.

Already, costs and fines will affect Catholics and Evangelicals who follow God's Law and do not use contraceptives or get abortions. Large families will be penalized.

Already, data for those who are overweight or drinking or smoking will be collected, which hits the poor, who are more inclined to be eating fast food and such.

Already, certains immigrant groupings with certain lifestyles in families will be hit with high costs.

Now, some of us knew this in 2009. But, I am concerned about those minority groups who just wanted "free health care" without realizing, or being helped to understand the intrusiveness of this new plan.

Eugenics is behind PP and other groups, as we know, both Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes being steeped in this philosophy. Check out these links. The same mind-set is behind some national health ideals. One can apply the term race to whomever seems a threat to one's idea of society.

Catholics, Jews, etc. could become undesirables....wait and see. Thanks, Wiki, for the poster.