Friday 8 February 2013

Just wonderin'

The Americans and Europeans, as well as the Asians and Australians, by my blog-counter, love the perfection series.

But, the English do not. I wonder why? Maybe some Brits can help me with this one. Maybe too much Dawkins and C. Hitchens?

I think it has to do with the fact that the English have a hard time not going with the flow these days.

I think the post-Vatican II idea of "dialogue with the world" has created too much compromise in the Catholic laity here.

I have traditional friends who cannot make intimate friendships any more with so-called Catholics in their parishes, who are disobedient regarding contraception, same-sex marriage, and a host of other things. They find priests who allow them to continue their non-Catholic lifestyles. They are never challenged.

Perfection starts with orthodoxy.