Wednesday 20 February 2013

Part 37: DoC--St Bede the Venerable Two--The Beauty of Simplicity

I want to look at Bede on Bede  and his dates are 673 – 26 May 735 .

Here is a snippet which reveals Bede's way to perfection.

“I  have devoted my energies to a study of the Scriptures, observing monastic discipline, and singing the daily services in church; study, teaching, and writing have always been my delight.”

How simple and yet how profound is his description of himself.

First, he is focussed, putting all his energies into the road to perfection.

Second, he studies the Scriptures, which would include meditating on the Word of God as well as using commentaries from the Early Church Fathers. Of course, Bede would have had infused knowledge as well.

Third, he observed the Rule of the monastic life. Celibacy, poverty, obedience and if Benedictine, stability.

Here we see his choice of the shortest way to perfection-the rule under obedience, which forms the will into God's Will.

Fourth, singing the daily office; nine times a day and night, Bede joined in the Divine Office of the monks.

Fifth, from study, the pursuit of God through learning, Bede used his great gifts to teach and write.

We have his books today and still study him in high school or college, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum.

A modern drawing of his monastery, St. Paul's
Sixth, in all of this is his joy. The suffering is muted, but the joy shines through these limited words. 

Such is the way to perfection for the religious, whose entire day is devoted to perfection. So much in so few words...

To be continued............