Saturday 23 February 2013

Part 48: DoC: St. Bernard and Perfection

This great doctor could say things in a few words. I am choosing a collection of his sayings for this post. He has asked himself, "Why did you come here Bernard?" And his answer would be to find love.

" I do not regard any of the affairs of God as things in which I have no concern."

"For who of our kinfolk or acquaintance takes care of us? Who ever asks of our health? Who, I ask, is I will not say, anxious, but even mindful of us in the world?"

"We are become Forgot, as it were, a broken vessel to friends, relatives and neighbours. You alone cannot forget us."

"God does shake the sons of His saints."

On the wise and foolish virgins in the parable, "....if a foolish one, you need the convent; if a wise one, the convent needs you."

"You ask me with what measure god is to be loved and I answer: Without measure."

"My God, I will love Thee with al my strength. This is not as much as You deserve. I know; but it is as much as I can give."

"My life is the giving of the widow's mite."

"FLEE NOT. Flight is the sole cause of the loss of victory."

"Nay, blessed are thou shouldst thou die fighting, for then thou wilt be crowned."

And, his last words, but not the end of his parts in the series:

"In the Name of Jesus Christ, I beg you to go on loving God as I have taught you..."

And, his very, very last words,

"I know not to which I ought to yield: the love of my children which urges me to stay, or the love of my God which draws me to Him. I will let God decide."

To be continued...