Monday 25 February 2013

Part 54: On the Humility of St. Bernard; Doc and Perfection

St. Bernard wrote a small thought which I repeat in my own words here. The idea is simple, yet profound.

He noted that he learned about love and humility, saintliness and peace, by being in choir. What he noticed was a very old monk in the choir. The old monk was silent and hardly noticeable.  He prayed and did his work. St. Bernard said he learned more about holiness by looking at this monk in the choir next to him than from any other person or event or book.

How simple, how human, how natural....

You may not know how you are affecting another person. You may not know who is watching your walk with God.

This is a mark of perfection: the complete absence of self-absorption.

St. Bernard said the old monk's ways brought tears of compunction to his eyes.


St. Bernard and the old monk...