Thursday 28 February 2013

Pope's Address to the Cardinals This Morning

Full text may be found at this site:

Here are a few words of the Pope. And I just got the Papal blessing as well. He looks very tired.

Wonderful that Cardinal Sodano is addressing the Pope and referred to the fact that the Church will last until the End of Time.

Also, he used the story of the Road to Emmaus in saying that the Cardinals feel like their hearts were burning within them walking with you, the Pope.

The Pope is greeting all the Cardinals who are in Rome, ( not all are there), and is stating that he, too, experienced joy in working with them, "marvellous moments in the history of the Church, and also times when the world was covered by dark clouds."

"Only Christ alone can shed light on our journey...."

He is quoting Romano Guardini at the Vatican II Council. "The Church is a living institution, it is living through time...its heart is Christ...and it lives in the strength of God....we saw this yesterday."

"The Church becomes alive in the souls of people." The Pope promised his obedience to the next Pope. Wow!

"We remain united in these mysteries...serving the Church and mankind. That is something which no one can deprive us of..."

(CNN translator)

Also found here

Of course, the station is talking about Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who is in an interesting position of serving Benedict XVI AND the next Pope.

John Allen has pointed out that the Pope has a almost "photographic memory" for details of scholarship.

I know a woman in Canada who has this and wrote her doctoral thesis in nine months.