Saturday 9 February 2013

St. Faustina on Children and More

One of my highly intelligent readers sent me an interesting note on children, which overlaps with a comment I made regarding the need for parents for raise saints.

St. Faustina's vision is not, of course, infallible, as private visions are not so.

However, she is a saint and we can read her Diary and use it for private meditations. This is from Notebook II, Section 765.

On one occasion, I saw the convent of the new congregation.  As I walked about, inspecting everything, I suddenly saw a crowd of children who seemed to be no older than five to eleven years of age.  When they saw me they surrounded me and began to cry out, "Defend us from evil," and they led me into the chapel which was in this convent.  When I entered the chapel, I saw the distressful Lord Jesus.  Jesus looked at me graciously and said that He was gravely offended by children: You are to defend them from evil.  From that moment, I have been praying for children, but I feel that prayer alone is not enough.

Defending children from evil means several things:

1) they must learn how to pray and have a personal relationship with Christ;

2) they need parents to teach them right from wrong and to help them form their consciences;

3) they need to be protected from bad tv, computer porn, sexualized movies;

4) they need to go to daily Mass, adoration, and confession on a regular basis;

5) they need a quiet house in which to learn how to reflect;

6) they need to see parents who love and respect each other.

7) either going to private schools which do NOT have sex education or home school

8) to provide Catholic teaching for the children which is orthodox.

9) they need their parents to monitor their friends and where they go and what they do

10) they need their parents to help them develop the virtues given to them at baptism and confirmation

Even children can go to hell.