Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Loss of Lady Mary--a timely meditation

This was a temporary loss. Once the apostles and disciples realized Mary's tomb was empty and that she was assumed into heaven for her purity and status as the Theotokos, they would rejoice. But, now, for a moment. as they prepared her body for the tomb, they mourn.

So, too, we mourn for many people and many sins, for lost friendships, for lost opportunities, for lost health. But, all this is for a moment. The angels have trumpets and one holds the crown of the Queen of Heaven. She lives and listens to our prayers, our Lovely Lady Mary. Have a holy Lent.

Psalm 30:5

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

This week, do not mourn too long, as God is in charge of all things. 

By the way, there were 27 posts on this blog yesterday and an almost record number of readers. God bless you all and thanks.