Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter from Tyburn

It is cold and dark in London, but the chapel at Tyburn is still ablaze with candles and decorated with yellow mums.

The nuns sang beautifully, and the Jesuit priest who has been saying the Triduum sang the Exultet in Latin. We also sang the Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei in Latin, as well as the Regina Coeli at the end of Holy Mass.

A salve to my Latin starved soul...

God bless you all this Easter. I have one quotation from the Mother Foundress of the Tyburn nuns, the Congregation of the Adorers of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus of Montmarte.

"Upheld by humility and obedience, maintained in recollection by the law of silence, finally guided by the Church herself to those regions inaccessible to man alone, the soul simply and entirely faithful to the Rule of St. Benedict will arrive at those summits of the unitive life where w see the Saints established in peace."

In on long sentence, Mother Adele describes the journey to perfection.