Friday 1 March 2013

Odds and Ends and the Attic Treasures.....Poll Results....

I find it odd that when I had the poll for which posts people liked the most, on the top deck were the lives of the saints and martyrs, and the perfection series. However, since I have been highlighting those two areas, my numbers of readers has gone done, and the number of comments has plummeted.

Either those who voted were not representative of the silent majority, or people are too busy to read, or I am still not meeting needs.

However, in the next few weeks, I shall continue the Doctors of the Church and perfection series, do saints, and cover all the papal news.

I have not written about socialism, as I am taking a break from the evil geniuses, such as Gramsci and others.

So, if any of you want to make a comment, I am open to input.

POLL RESULTS: the poll results for the Pope Guesses ended up with the greatest number of votes going for someone else, and many people wrote to me about Burke, then Scola and Ranjith, followed by Turkson (interesting name).

By the way, did anyone else have the set of Junior Classics with which I grew up? Just wondering...

I had almost all of the original set. Guess what my favourite fairy tale is?.
