Tuesday 30 April 2013

A Short Post on Benedict and Benedict


The Bishop of Rome, Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI is going into the monastery I highlighted last week on May 2nd, not the 1st, as originally reported. I shall go in a day before.

It is interesting that Benedict is attracted to St. Benedict, one of the patrons of Europe.

St. Benedict lived at the end of the Roman civilization. He witnessed the ruin of order. God called him to start, literally, a new order, and thus was created the Rule of St. Benedict.

This Rule got all of our ancestors through the dark days of the death of Rome and into the new era of Christendom.

Benedict XVI chose an appropriate saint for these turbulent times.

God bless him. Pray for him and pray for little ol' me going in tomorrow.

May St. Benedict bless us and all Catholics.