Saturday 27 April 2013

From the Toronto Sun, a disdain of civil law

Qaida to derail a Via Rail train showed his disdain for Canadian criminal law in a quiet but crowded Toronto courtroom.
Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, on Wednesday ignored Justice of the Peace Susan Hilton’s caution to “be careful what you say,” because his words could be used against him in future proceedings.
Instead of remaining silent, Esseghaier, listed as living at no fixed address in Montreal, embarked on a two-minute tirade on the Criminal Code and the serious charges he faces.
“All of those conclusions were taken out based on the Criminal Code and we all know that this Criminal Code is not a holy book,” said Esseghaier, who was busted in Montreal’s Central Station Monday near the Via terminus.
“It’s just written by a set of creatures and the creatures, they’re not perfect because only the Creator is perfect, so if we are basing our judgment ... we cannot rely on the conclusions taken out from these judgments,” he said.